
 Echo Jeugontwikkeling is ’n geloofsgemeenskap wat omgee vir jongmense in nood. Daar is tans 14 Echo-huise. Echo Jeugontwikkeling het in 2001 tot stand gekom en is 'n geregistreerde nie-winsgewende maatskappy (Sec 18(A) 930033233; 2001/02573308). Daar is Echo gemeenskappe in Pretoria, Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, Witrivier en Kaapstad (onder Isibindi) en ’n plaasprojek buite Frankfort in die Vrystaat. Ons fokus op hoërskoolkinders en naskool jongmense in nood. Ons het ook ’n pro bono regskliniek in Villieria Pretoria genaamd Echo Legal.



Echo Youth Development is a registered non-profit organization (Sec 18(A) 930033233; 2001/02573308) founded in 2001 to provide a support system for vulnerable youth in South-Africa. High School Youth and Young Adults from different cultures live together in 14 houses, called Echo Communities. We are based in Pretoria but there are also smaller Echo Communities in Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, Witrivier, Cape Town (under Isibindi) and a framing community near Frankfort in the Free State. We also run a pro bono legal office in Villieria, Pretoria named Echo Legal.

more info on WHY WE TRY and WHAT WE DO


       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
       Carolien Van Emmenis 0718502935 (admin and finance) 
       Rochelle Reitz 0721495879 (social worker)


“ECHO Youth Development echo’s the very heart of the Gospel in so many ways. It is a community where the message of Jesus is not only proclaimed but also lived.They practise the basic principles of a life of simplicity and sharing as seen in the early church in Jerusalem. This community gives new meaning to the idea of unconditional love for everyone. I don’t have enough words to express my excitement about this ministry.”
- Stephan Joubert (E-Church)


“All people, especially youth in need, are embraced at ECHO with the love of Jesus. They care, empower, and inspire youth to start a new life. They don’t give up on vulnerable people and leave them to fend for themselves. If you journey with the Echo Community you will hear the echo of His footsteps.”
- Eberhard Bertelsmann (Judge)   

Our motto: 

Don’t tell them Jesus loves them, ‘till you are ready to love them too . . .