down to earth - - - terug aarde toe

Die fokus van ons nuwe Echohuis op die plaas is veral op skoolverlaters uit ons bestaande Echohuise in die stad, veral jongmense uit spesialeonderrigskole en jongmense uit rehabilitasieprogramme (twee groot behoeftes tans in ons Echo gemeenskap). Terwyl hulle help op die plaas doen hulle 'n basiese dissipelskap- en lewensvaardigheidsprogram.

Die idee is dat die plaas uiteindelik finansieel selfstandig sal wees. Behalwe vir die program vir inwonende jongmense is die plan ook dat die projek die breër Echo gemeenskap dien deur kos te voorsien. Die plaas is 10km buite Frankfort.


Die projek het 3 doelwitte:

1. Om ons seuns 'n kans te gee om geestelik te groei en basiese
    lewensvaardighede aan te leer met die oog op werksgereedheid

2. Om die bestaande Echo-huise aan kos en inkomste te voorsien

3. 'n Gratis kampterrein vir al ons Echo projekte. Ons bied jaarliks 'n klomp kampe aan: 'n
      Afpakkamp, ander hoërskool kampe, kampe vir ons Echo-Kommunes, ons jaarlikse Echo Gathering . . . Die kampterrein dien ook as 'n gratis wegbreekplek vir ons personeel en sendelinge van ander organisasies.

Die Echo plaasprojek is 'n groen projek, gebruik sonkrag is totaal onafhanklik van Eskom






- Borge 'n bed - R2000 per kind per maand (enige bedrag help!)

- 2 Groentetonnels (R18000 per tonnel)
- nog ten minste 50 dragtige ooie
- 2 Melkkoeie
- 20 lêhenne  
- 5000 liter Water tenk
- Routervator (Cape Tiller)
- Grassaadroller vir die trekker
- 2 x 2ndse agterwiele vir 165 Massey Ferguson

- Solar dompelpomp


Bid asb saam met ons vir die projek!

Kontak vir André as jy kan help by 0839494914 / 0731431011 of epos ons by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Indien jy 'n finansiële bydrae wil maak gebruik asb die verwysing: “Echo Plaas”



ECHO Jeugontwikkeling




ECHO Jeugontwikkeling is 'n geregistreerde nie-winsgewende organisasie
en kan 'n Artikel 18A belastingsertifikaat uitreik.


 hoop vir jongmense in nood

down to earth - - - terug aarde toe


Dear Friends

We are so thankful to God for our first 12 mm of rain and pray that this will be the start of a blessed rainy season, not only for us but for our country.

Our vegetable garden has started growing well and looks already good after the cold winter.

A second young man, Renaldo joined us three weeks ago on the farm. He is still adapting to life on the farm, but has started getting used to the routine and discipline of our household. We need a lot of prayer and wisdom.

JP has changed so much during the past six months and is of great help to us. He is totally rehabilitated and doesn’t even smoke anymore. He even had the courage to testify in church the other day, something that he never would have done before. We praise God for turning JP’s life around. “In Christ alone our hope is found.”

We would again like to invite you to become part of this ministry through sponsoring:

• One of the young men on a once off or monthly basis (The basic cost per person is between R1800-00 to R2000-00 per month) this includes food, electricity, clothes and personal toiletries. If you decide to help financially please could you add in the reference what the money is for and if it is a once off payment or a monthly contribution that you want to make (Eg: young men – monthly), this allows us to budget for the monthly expenses.
• The farm project – if you want to support us financially in this please all add your reference to the contribution
• Pray for us to stand firm and to stay encouraged to perform this work unto God and not to men. It may seem like a cliché to ask for prayer, but please don’t forget to pray for us. That is all that keeps us going.
• Please contact us if you feel like helping and don’t know how to get involved.

We would like to thank everyone who is already involved. May God bless you and your families in abundance.

Andre has the opportunity to go on a trip to Lesotho from 23 – 27 Sept 2016. He will have the opportunity to teach some of the subjects and tell people about Farming God’s Way. This is an initiative from Kainos Church in Frankfort.

Quintus still works in Villiers and enjoys helping develop some of the projects on the farm whenever there is an opportunity.

Martie is very busy with the vegetable garden and of course running the household by preparing food, washing clothes and cleaning.

We are still busy generating projects to make the farm self sustaining. There are a lot of needs still and if anyone of you feel like helping with the following urgent needs, you are welcome to contact us. The following list is the most important things we need:

• 2 x 2nd hand tractor back tyres for a 165 Massey Ferguson
• 1 x wheelbarrow
• Greenhouse/ Plastic Tunnel for vegetable seedlings
• 15 layer hens (we have 5 hens but they still don’t produce enough eggs for our weekly usage)

Jaco Strydom is busy building a chalet close to the river renovating the camping area to make it more accessible for campers and fishermen. The revenue will be used as an extra income for Echo.

The sheep are still well and we hope to buy more pregnant ewes in the near future when the grass starts growing.

We realize that the small gum tree forest on the farm is ideal for playing paintball. This will also be used for an income as there is no such a place in the Frankfort area. Anybody who is interested in sponsoring paintball guns or paintballs is welcome to contact us.

We would like to invite you all to come visit us to see for yourself what we are busy with.

Regards and blessings

Andre and Martie

 hoop vir jongmense in nood

down to earth - - - terug aarde toe

Don’t tell them Jesus loves them,
‘till you are ready to love them too . . .


Borg 'n kind in een van die ECHO-Huise

 ECHO Jeugontwikkeling is 'n gemeenskap van hoop vir jongmense in nood met onder andere 12 huise en weeklikse programme by 11 skole. ECHO Jeugontwikkeling het in 2001 tot stand gekom en is 'n geregistreerde nie-winsgewende maatskappy (Sec 18(A) 930033233; 2001/02573308). Daar is tans Echo gemeenskappe in Pretoria, Johannesburg en Kaapstad en ons is tans besig om 'n projek te ontwikkel op 'n plaas naby Frankfort in die Vrystaat.