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Daar woon tans 7 jongmense in die Echo plaashuis naby Frankfort. Die projek fokus op emosionele en geestelike groei, werksgereedheid en vaardigheidsontwikkeling vir jongmense uit ons bestaande Echohuise en ander kindersorgprogramme. 

Behalwe vir die program op die plaas sien hulle ook weekliks die maatskaplike werker op die dorp vir terapie, skakel in by aksies van die plaaslike gemeente en neem deel aan 'n weeklikse uitreik waar hulle ontdek dat hulle ook geroep word om 'n bydrae te lewer in die breër gemeenskap.

Die Echo Plaas het ook 'n kampterein wat gereeld gebruik word deur Echo, Pen, Mes, Ligkinderbediening en die Goodyear plaaskinderprojek.

Ons nuutste behoeftelys:

- Borg 'n bed. Die koste om 'n bed in die Echohuis op die plaas te borg beloop R1500 per maand (enige bedrag help). Ons het tans borge nodig vir 2 nuwe seuns.

- Beddegoed, klere ens vir nuwe seuns

- Palette - ons wil dit o.a. gebruik in ons goentetonnels en by die kampterein

- 2 van ons geysers het die winter gebars a.g.v. die koue

- Ons wil graag vir elke seun 'n over-all gee, sodat hulle ander klere langer hou - ons kort 6 over-alls

- 3 van ons jongmense het die afgelope jaar 'n noodhulpkursus suksesvol voltooi. Ons benodig 'n basiese noodhulptas vir die plaas en Echo kampe wat daar aangebied word.

- Bestuurslisensies - elke kind op die plaas kry 'n geleentheid om te gaan vir 'n lisensie via die plaaslike bestuurskool (2500) per kind.


Echo Frankfort
Savings (632005)

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Don’t tell them Jesus loves them, ‘till you are ready to love them too . . .

The Echo farming project which started in 2016, became fully functional in the past year. It is an alternative farming community cultivating opportunities of empowerment and hope for youth in need. This informs our facilitation of their unique process to regain mainstream society despite the disadvantages their previous circumstances have produced.

All Echo projects prioritizes evangelism, spiritual growth, nation-building and social cohesion as the cornerstone of our intervention. This translates into an alternative farming community that proves that South Africans from a variety of different races, cultural, social and economic backgrounds can live, work and grow together in harmony with each other and nature. Keeping future generations in mind, we are also a green project, using solar power and borehole water to grow high quality organic produce.

Echo Farming Community goals:
- Farming Community provides a support system for vulnerable youth, by providing in their basic needs as well as emotional, spiritual and skills development. This allows for access to participation in their social and economic environments to become an achievable reality.
- Sheltered Job creation for youth from a vulnerable backgrounds with the on site support of a caring and understanding community.
- Youth Development Camps: A variety of youth camps are hosted on the Echo Camp Site on the farm recognising the importance of access to recreational activities. Youth and children from the Echo houses, informal settlements and local farm workers interact with nature whilst engaging in spiritual and skills development.
- In the spirit of self-sustainability, the farm hopes to provide food to our other Echo Communities in the cities. We are currently operating 5 vegetable tunnels.

We partnered with the SAVF in Frankfort and are involved in community projects with local schools. The project is not yet financially independent, but is growing.

Bank Details:
Echo Frankfort
Savings (632005)

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