Desperation... a word I know to well.
The feeling of loosing hope.
Loosing the will to survive.
It sneaks up on me in the darkest of nights
It takes hold of my soul
Till I'm sucked dry... a skeleton of what I used to be.

PEACE... gone... HOPE... lost
TEARS... flow... FEELINGS... numb

In times of such despair
I cry out into the night,
Hoping someone will hear my plea:
"My God, My God why have you forsaken me?
I have lost my way
I am loosing control."

But when I cry out
To the ONE who hears all, sees all, knows all...
understands all.
A tiny light of hope appears
It warms my dying soul
And then I know:

When desperation makes its move on me
Only a desperate cry to Jesus, can save my soul

"My Lord, My Lord... I am desperate for YOU!"